Worcester Cathedral Main Tower

Worcester Cathedral Main Tower

Heritage Stone Access have been involved with Worcester Cathedral in one way or another for decades as HSA Director Richard Martin first worked at Worcester Cathedral as an apprentice.
Recent works include inspections of the stonework on the main tower following storm damage. The handsome main tower, which sits centrally in the plan of the Cathedral, is the earliest in the perpendicular style and was completed in the 1370s.
Built in red sandstone, with the river Severn running by and views of the Malvern Hills, the setting for the Cathedral is idyllic.
Extensive restoration to the Cathedral was carried out in the late 1800s by Sir George Gilbert Scott. Inspections and repair work we undertake consciously look at the building and repair work done through the centuries. Understanding the processes, the failures and the triumphs of the craft over time is one of the things that makes our work on these structures so fascinating.

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